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Polisi Ymddygiad Google Meets
Os yw disgybl yn camymddwyn mewn ffordd sydd yn amharu ar y wers byddant yn derbyn rhybudd clir gan athro ar lafar. Os nad ydynt yn gwella eu hymddygiad bydd y dysgwr yn cael ei ddileu/ei dileu (‘remove’) o’r dosbarth. Ni fydd caniatad ganddynt i ail-ymuno gyda’r wers. Fe fydd hyn yn cael ei gofnodi ar Classcharts cyn gynted a bo modd ac fe fydd yr Arweinydd Lles a Chynnydd neu aelod o staff yr ysgol yn cysylltu gyda’r cartref i drafod y camau nesaf.
Os oes ymddygiad sydd yn hynod o anghwrtais, yn amharchus neu’n beryglus bydd dysgwyr yn cael ei ddileu o’r dosbarth yn syth heb rybudd
Video-conferencing contract:

Behaviour Policy for Google Meets:
If a learner misbehaves in a way that disrupts the learning of others there will be a clear warning given from the teacher. If this behaviour does not improve the learner will be removed from the online lesson and they will not have permission to rejoin that lesson. A record of this will be made on Classcharts and the Wellbeing and Progress Lead for that year group will contact the home to discuss the next steps.
If there is highly disrespectful, offensive or dangerous behaviour the learner will be removed immediately, without warning.
If a learner misbehaves in a way that disrupts the learning of others there will be a clear warning given from the teacher. If this behaviour does not improve the learner will be removed from the online lesson and they will not have permission to rejoin that lesson. A record of this will be made on Classcharts and the Wellbeing and Progress Lead for that year group will contact the home to discuss the next steps.
If there is highly disrespectful, offensive or dangerous behaviour the learner will be removed immediately, without warning.